Wednesday, 21 April 2010

The very best bit of the job!

It is often a bit quieter here at Rackety's HQ when it is the school holidays. A lot of our customers are parents who have their hands full when the kids are at home.We use the time to catch up on new projects and all the background jobs that need to be done. Although we do not have an official shop, we work out of a warehouse with an office, our doors are always open to any customers who would like to call in and visit. We do advise you ring first to check we are in, as we wouldn't want you to turn up and find there is no body about, which is rare, but sometimes happens.

Last week we had the privilege of meeting a wonderful family who all called in to see us.The Mum having had four children of her own, now fosters a few more and has extended her delightful family with a beautiful daughter who is disabled, and they currently are giving a home to a beautiful baby girl awaiting adoption. You do not have to be Angelina Jolie to have a rainbow family these days! Apparently the elder daughter was upset because the baby was getting loads of new clothes and the little girl who uses a wheelchair wasn't getting as many. It was a joy to be able to offer a few items of clothing to suit the little girls multiple needs and satisfy the discerning eye of the older sister who was as fashion conscious as any young teenager and wonderfully protective and involved with her extended multi cultural family.

It is unquestionably the best part of the job when we meet the families and take time out to have a chat.I had to comment on what a delightful family the Mum had, and she laughed and said they have their moments! What an inspiration it is to learn all the time about the lives of families that live with disability, in this case it is a choice, the family have chosen to adopt the little girl, mostly of course it is not.

The mum was learning all about the complications of life when dealing with a disability, the everyday fight for often very simple things, and options the rest of the world take for granted.

At Rackety's we feel privileged to be able to play a small but sometimes significant role in offering a product that can help families who encounter daily struggles.

Over the years ,at exhibitions, on visits to schools and events, at the unit and over he phone we have met hundreds of wonderful families, and it is definitely the best part of the job!

So please feel free to call by, ring, e-mail or contact us, we have a lot of experience across a wide variety of needs and we love to find out more.