"lennox-gastaut syndrome, autism,profoundly deaf and partially sighted"
"Global developmental delay - undiagnosed.Can't do any thing for herself."
These are a few of the many descriptions we receive each day about our customers, helping us to understand more about who buys our clothing and more importantly why they need the specialised clothing.
There is a natural tendency to group our customers by their disability to work out any buying pattern, but the reality is that although all of our customers are unique, many of their needs are shared.
The interesting thing is that many of the needs are the same across a wide range of disabilities and right across the globe. So we are able to help families who have a wide range of disabilities across the world as we continue to find out more about their comfort and dressing requirements.
In a complicated world sometimes it is the simple things that make all the difference, and we know ,because you tell us, that our simple vests and bibs and pajamas do make all the difference to you.
"Global developmental delay - undiagnosed.Can't do any thing for herself."
These are a few of the many descriptions we receive each day about our customers, helping us to understand more about who buys our clothing and more importantly why they need the specialised clothing.
There is a natural tendency to group our customers by their disability to work out any buying pattern, but the reality is that although all of our customers are unique, many of their needs are shared.
The interesting thing is that many of the needs are the same across a wide range of disabilities and right across the globe. So we are able to help families who have a wide range of disabilities across the world as we continue to find out more about their comfort and dressing requirements.
In a complicated world sometimes it is the simple things that make all the difference, and we know ,because you tell us, that our simple vests and bibs and pajamas do make all the difference to you.