Sunday, 25 September 2011

Can you believe it! Racketing around the World.

I sometimes have to stop and wonder at what has happened over the past few years. We started Rackety's out of a genuine desire to create a better shopping environment for families who live with disabilities and were stuck when it came to certain items of clothing.
Never in a million years did we imagine that we would soon become an international business. I suppose it may have been a clue when we started to sell to France very soon after we set up.

This month we have opened a new website in America Rackety's USA, we set up a site in Norway earlier on this year Rackety's No, and are just beginning to work on Rackety's Australia.

It just goes to show that there are no boundaries to the needs of our customers. The power of the Internet has allowed so many families to benefit, not just from companies like us, but from knowing that they are not alone with the unique needs of their families.

Rackety's disabled clothing has been  sold to over 25 different countries around the world, and each time we send out another blog or email or facebook I am always amazed to receive such fascinating responses from unexpected places.

Soon we plan to link up our Rackety's community around the globe so that you can connect with similar families around the globe- how exciting is that!