Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Fancy a Forum?

What do you think we can do to make Rackety's disabled clothing more interesting and useful for you?
 We get so many helpful and interesting comments , I get the impression that my customers like to be able to talk about their every day lives. We are really keen to find out more about our customers and how we can help you. 
It would be great to find out what your favourite way of using the Internet is.
Do you prefer to follow Twitter, or do you like to go on Facebook , maybe you enjoy reading Blogs?
It appears that Rackety's families are very keen to communicate, and we wondered if you would like to have a Rackety's forum on the site, somewhere you could speak to each other?

Let me know what you think, which ever way you choose- don't forget we also answer the phone, read letters and welcome visitors to the unit!!!