Wednesday, 13 February 2013

It’s a poo thing!

When we set up Rackety’s I was on a mission to make quality products available for a long neglected group of people and families who need adaptive clothing.
I had clear plans to take on the healthcare market and change the accepted standard of design and presentation of products for families and children with disabilities. What a gloomy dated place it was!!!
Thankfully the tide was turning and although there is still a long way to go, we are very proud to have contributed towards a change of attitude to what is acceptable for a healthcare product.
Being inexperienced I thought that adaptive clothing automatically went with wheelchair use and that this would be my core customer base.
I just didn’t know about “The poo thing” I was like most of the world that are unaffected- blissfully ignorant.
These days it’s a different story it turns out our core business is based around poo wee stripping and dipping and I have become something of an expert in the field.
It has also set me off on another mission to make sure all families new to “a poo situation” understand they are not alone- it is very common and there is help available. 

We are gathering “poo stories” from our customers so we can create a small book to help families who suddenly have a problem understand how common it is.
Some of the tales we here are funny and some of them are quite dreadful- why not send us your story to help other families. or on our facebook  page  if you prefer