Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Its big its clumsy and it needs a shake up!

This is my opinion of the world of disability in general.

One of the unique priveledges of running Rackety's disabled clothing is that I get to talk to families all over the world who live with disability. It is fascinating, inspiring and frustrating to hear so many stories about how my customers cope with their unique families.
Sadly the story I hear most is of a constant battle against the system that has evolved to support their needs. It seems to be a recurrent theme that the system is too complicated, there are far too many people asking for the same information all the time, no clear starting point or continuity one you get into the system.
Although it is understood that those envolved are as individuals doing their best it is the collective effect of a clumsy complex system that causes the frustration. I often hear parents telling me that they are told what they can have or do, and that all they want is someone who will listen to what they need.
Thanks to the internet I believe that Parent Power is the way to make sure that the future is made easier for families who live with disability, as already demonstrated by groups such as Special Kids in the UK.
So if we all start to shake a bit more and be vocal on the subject maybe in time we can help to simplify the lives of families in the future.

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